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Brasserie De La Senne / Allagash Zennegash DH Wheat Ale w Brett 330ml bottle


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ZENNEGASH is a collab with our friends—and excellent brewers—of Allagash Brewing Company from Portland, Maine in the USA. Little side note: the first ever collab we did was with them in 2011: the Very Spéciale Belge.
We didn’t have to look far to find a name for the beer. We simply combined the two rivers we both owe our names to: the Allagash river, and our good old Zenne!
This time we brewed a wheat beer (the specialty of Allagash!), dry hopped with both American and European hops. We made two versions: one bottled version, refermented with Brett-yeast, and one clean version in kegs. 5.7% ABV.