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Cellador Slide Down My Cellar Door Wild Ale 375ml bottle

1 in stock

Slide Down My Cellar Door (375ml)

Wild Ale w/ Masumoto Gold Dust Peaches

I’m sure you all know by now that we love Masumoto fruit, but the Gold Dust variety is by far the most flavorful peach that they grow. It bursts with that iconic juicy flavor that is unique to the Masumoto farm. Our intention with this beer is to capture and preserve the essence of being on the farm and biting into a freshly picked peach, so we use 2 pounds of fruit per gallon of beer, hand smashing peaches into barrels until they can’t hold much more.

So, open a bottle and be transported to a Masumoto Family Farm; magical land of low hanging trees, swirling superfine dirt and friendly faces.


375 ml bottle