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Pure Project Citra Spree Murky India Pale Ale 16oz can


Pure Project Citra Spree

Murky IPA

ABV: 6.9%

Hops: Citra & Citra Cryo Hops

Introducing Citra Spree, the newest murky IPA to grace our lineup. We crafted this beer with all Citra hops—Citra and Citra Cryo—allowing the beautiful hop’s notes to take center stage.

The Citra Cryo is from our Washington hop partners who prioritize biodiversity and sustainability: Double R Ranches, who cultivated the hops next to their farm’s pollinator habitat, and Yakima Chief Hops, who then processed them with their proprietary cryogenic hop-processing technology (resulting in a product with less environmental impact than regular hops).

Sips are filled with flavors of Navel orange, peach, and dank, complemented by aromas of Meyer lemon and honeydew. Cheers to Citra Spree, where great taste meets working towards a greener future.