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More Labs Morning Recovery (sugar-free lemon) 3.4oz

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morning recovery

Think of Morning Recovery as your liver's wingman, bouncer, and bodyguard all at once. Morning Recovery helps break down alcohol-induced toxins with the help of ingredients like highly-soluble DHM, Korean Pear Extract, Milk Thistle, Electrolytes and Vitamins C & B, so your body can flush them out faster. More Labs' patent-pending formula boosts your body's natural response to alcohol, restores vital nutrients, rehydrates, and helps you feel better after drinking, so you can have all the fun and still wake up feeling like a million bucks.In a multi-site, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study of 60 participants:- Users of Morning Recovery felt up to 80%+ better than those without it across the following symptoms after heavy drinking: headache, brain fog, chest discomfort, and anxiety
Ingredients:  Purified Water, Citric Acid Anhydrous, Vitamin C, Xylitol, Natural Flavor, Herb Mixture E (Crystal Glucose, Licorice Extract, Ginger Concentrate) (To Preserve Freshness), Trisodium Citric Acid, Calcium Lactate, Potassium Citrate, Vitamin B12 0.1% (Methylcobalamin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 HCI, Vitamin B9(Folic Acid), Hovenia Dulcis Extract (Fruit), Prickly Pear Concentrate, Milk Thistle Extract (Seed), Korean Red Ginseng Extract (Root), Green Tea Concentrate, Sucralose.