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Pure Project Jade Dust Murky IPA 16oz can

1 in stock

Murky IPA

ABV:  6.9%
Hops: Pacific Jade & Mosaic Hops


Tne of the most sought-after brews in our "Dust" series of IPAs, Jade Dust, is back (after almost three years!). Inspired by our core murky IPA, Diamond Dust, Jade Dust is another juicy, fruity, medium-bodied murky wonder. Bright citrus-dominant Pacific Jade hops from New Zealand blend with tropical Mosaic hops from Washington to shine through murky gold hues and a creamy mouthfeel. Your palate will be greeted with bursts of guava, mango, mandarin orange, and pineapple sorbet.


Appearance: Murky Gold Color, White Head
Aroma: Guava, Mango, Mandarin Orange, Lychee
Flavor: Guava, Mango, Pineapple Sorbet, Mandarin Orange
Mouthfeel: Medium Body, Creamy Mouthfeel